terça-feira, 24 de janeiro de 2017

The passwords to the Afterlife

The oldest known image that survives today of the Goddess Hekate is in fact a small 20cm high terracotta statue dating to the 6th century BCE. This image depicts Hekate crowned and enthroned in a pose which is similar to that of the Goddess Kybele, with whom Hekate shared the title of Brimo (meaning ‘angry’ or ‘terrifying’). The name of Brimo is particularly significant, being one that has been found recorded on Orphic Funeral Tablets as a password to be spoken by the initiate on death at the gates of the underworld (where Hekate holds the keys) to gain safe entry. This password was combined with the Orphic Oath of “I am a child of earth and starry heaven, but my race is of heaven alone,” which is also particularly appropriate in the context of Hekate, daughter of the stellar Goddess Asteria.

From: Hecate Covenant

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